Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fun Factz About Our Country....Continued!!!!

*Wyoming has the lowest population of all 50 United States.

*The 911 system of emergency communications, now used nationwide, was developed and first used in Lincoln, Nebraska.

*Hawaii is the most isolated population center on the face of the earth. Hawaii is 2,390 miles from California; 3,850 miles from Japan; 4,900 miles from China; and 5,280 miles from the Philippines.

*The light bulb, phonograph (record player), motion picture projector were invented by Thomas Edison in his Menlo Park laboratory.

*In 1990 Kansas wheat farmers produced enough wheat to make 33 billion loaves of bread, or enough to provide each person on earth with 6 loaves.

*Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators where the drink was first developed.

*Oregon has more ghost towns than any other state in the United States.

Fun Factz About Our Country!!!

*One out of every eight United States residents lives in California.

*The first automobile law was passed by the state of CT in 1901. The speed limit was set at 12 miles per hour.

*Annapolis is known as the sailing capital of the world.

*Missouri ties with Tennessee as the most neighborly state in the union, bordered by 8 states.

*St. Louis; is also called, "The Gateway to the West" and "Home of the Blues".

*Ohio gave America its first hot dog in 1900. Harry M. Stevens created the popular dining dog.

*Sam Walton founded his Wal-Mart stores in Bentonville.

*The Confederate flag was designed and first flown in Alabama in 1861.

United States of America

Unlike my previous blog posts, this blog is going to be more educational. One topic I always enjoyed in high school  was U.S. History. United States History always kept me interested. Instead of having a blog with traditional united states history information, this blog is going to teach you about some of the silly facts about the wonderful country we live in. Although they are still informational facts, I want you to learn some interesting and funny facts about The United States of America and maybe even learn some things you didn't know!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Sick Obsession

At a party, you see a bunch of people talking, drinking, socializing...and a girl in the corner playing with a dog. Im that girl. I always find myself to be more interested in playing with the puppies than talking to the people. I blame this on my obsession with my precious puppy. He goes by the name of Diego, and I can only describe him as a sweet, sweet, angel. Diego is more than a Dog. He has happy hour with my Dad, cuddles with me, and watches T.V. with my sisters. Not to mention, Diego has his own chair. I think my obsession with my dog is normal, but to all of my friends, I am "freakishly" obsessed. My response, I just cant help it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Although it is hard to admit, I cannot fight the obvious. I, Grace Dunn, have a serious issue with phones. At first, it was casual phone here or there. I would  lose a phone, drop one in the toilet, or even the keys would stop working-but eventually, I really began thinking I was actually cursed. I really stared to feel this way on spring break of 2010. One night, my phone got stolen, then I finally ordered a brand new one, and within three days of having it, someone got mad and threw my phone out of the window on the highway. From this point on, I became a firm believer that I, Grace Dunn, was not meant to have a cell phone. Since then I have done my very best to take good care of my phones. In fact, this school year I have kept one for six months. Baby steps. Some day I will win my battle of me vs. cell phones, and hopefully, that day comes sooner than later.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Me & The New Roommate...and Courage

It was move in day at the University of Arizona, and like any other freshman, I was anxious to meet her. My mom, my sister, and I carried the luggage up to the second floor-my soon to be new home. Finally I got to my room, and met the new roommate. Within the first couple minutes of meeting her, it became obvious that the two of us were going to have a rocky, interesting, and short lived "friendship." I went into shake her hand, and she instantly pulled away...she informed me that doing so would pass her soul to me. It was clear to me that me and the new roommate might not have that much in common. A couple weeks passed and I began to notice that her boyfriend, Courage, was going to be a frequent visitor. Courage wasn't any normal guest. He was a bull rider who dressed in jeweled hats, and leather cowboy boots. He would stay for days on end, and not to mention, he snored louder than any human being. Unfortunately, one night, my roommate, Courage , and I got to know each other a little bit better. One night, I slept walked into bed with the two of them, and woke up at seven am with the two staring at me, creeped out, and extremely uncomfortable. After this, the three of us didn't talk very much from that point on. Thankfully, I finally was transferred to a new dorm, and had the college roommate I had wanted from the start. Although it was tough saying goodbye to by roommate and new cowboy friend, I had to say farewell.